Ryan Mosley joins MSU’s Cyberinfrastructure Team as a consultant

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For the past fifteen years, Ryan Mosley has been providing IT support for both the Michigan State University-Department of Energy Plant Research Laboratory, PRL, and the Department of Plant Biology, PLB. Now, after accepting a new position on the Research Cyberinfrastructure team at MSU, he will be working with researchers all over campus.
Ryan will be working as a cyberinfrastructure consultant. His role on the team will be to work with researchers across MSU’s campus to determine their IT needs and guide them to the appropriate solution or to create a new solution entirely. He will work with researchers, vendors and IT support to bring in new systems on campus. He hopes to have a greater impact on how researchers and IT support collaborate on campus.
Currently, the cyberinfrastructure team is new and is in early stages of development for how it will look.
“I hope all the things that I have learned from working with the great research faculty, staff and students in the department will set me up for success when working with the larger campus community,” Ryan said.
Ryan is looking forward to starting a role that will present a new set of challenges for him to overcome. Additionally, he’s also looking forward to expanding the group of people he can potentially help and further research on campus. This has been one of his main passions since starting his career at the PRL and PLB.
“It’s always rewarding when you have someone who comes into your office and they’re a bit flustered because they have an experiment going on or something that is time sensitive, and you’re able to fix the problem for them so that the experiment doesn’t get ruined,” he said. “Some experiments can take months, so if something goes wrong, they have to start over, which can be a big setback for their research. I like being the person who can fix the issue and get them on their way.”
Ryan joined the department fifteen years ago as an undergraduate employee. He was referred to the job by a roommate who worked in the position prior. Ryan got the job and has been here ever since. When he graduated from MSU with a degree in information technology, he went from a student employee to a full-time employee.
“The PRL/PLB is really the only home on campus that I have ever known, and it will definitely be a bit of a transition not coming into the Plant Biology Building every day and working with systems that I had a hand in developing and implementing,” Ryan said.

By Kara Headley
“Ryan has done a fantastic job for many years helping PRL and then PRL and PLB members, with their IT needs,” said Christoph Benning, director of the PRL. “We are very grateful for his service to our community and his readiness to step in, even in off hours when needed. As he is now moving on to new tasks, we wish him all the best for his next step in his career.”
Because Ryan’s new job will see him moving departments, he’ll still get to enjoy all things MSU. He’s an enjoyer of anything campus has to offer, whether it’s tailgating for basketball and football games, or partaking in monumental events like the PRL 50th and further anniversaries.
“Overall, I think the move will be a good one for me, but I will really miss everyone that I have had the pleasure of working with in the PRL and PLB and wider plant science community,” Ryan said. “Hopefully, my new position will allow me to work on some project with and for the benefit of the PRL and PLB department in the future.”