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Internal Resources

PRL Community Brand Toolkit

For faculty, staff, and students. The page includes logo, letterhead, PowerPoint template, typography, and color palette.

Community Brand Toolkit

Conference Room Booking

Conference rooms have full video/audio conferencing capabilities.

  • Room 103: seating for 15-20 people; two 70" TV's with VGA and HDMI connections
  • Room 109: seating for 3-6 people; one 70" TV with VGA and HDMI connections
  • Room S232: seating for 5-7 people; one 65" TV's with an HDMI connection

Reserve a room

Employee Documents

Collected information is confidential and for internal use. We only publicly share names, positions, and emails, mainly on our website.


Informational documents:

PRL Procedures

PRL IT Support

For IT support, fill out the form here.

If you cannot login with your MSU NetID credentials to access the form, please contact the MSU IT Service Desk 517-432-6200 or toll-free 844-678-6200 or visit ithelp.msu.edu.

Poster Printing

The PRL computer lab offers poster printing for the PRL and other surrounding departments. 

  • Posters can be printed on two different materials: satin photo paper ($35 per poster) or light weight fabric ($75 per poster).
  • Posters must be smaller than 42” in one dimension either height or width (poster can be resized in the computer lab if they are larger than this).
  • To print a poster, please use the form linked below.
  • Posters should be submitted at least one business day in advance or earlier if possible.
  • If you have any questions, please fill out the form here.

Printing request form
How to size your poster

Imager Booking

The ChemiDoc MP system is a fully featured instrument for gel or western blot imaging, designed to address multiplex fluorescent western blotting, chemiluminescence detection, and general gel documentation applications.

Its features are based on high-resolution, high-sensitivity CCD detection technology and modular options to accommodate a wide range of samples and support multiple detection methods.

The LiCor Odyssey CLx Imager has many applications including various gel imaging and assays, multi-well plate assays, and tissue imaging. For gel/membrane imaging, the use of fluorescent signals allows for better image quality and the ability to observe multiple targets in the same blot with greater sensitivity and accuracy. 

The ChemiDoc and Odyssey Imagers are currently located in room 130 Plant Biology Building. If you need access to room 130, a key is available at the PRL front desk. 

These imagers are on the same calendar.

If you have questions about the ChemiDoc, contact Linda Danhof at danhof@msu.edu.

If you have questions about the Odyssey CLx, contact Allison Hurlock at barbagl2@msu.edu

Reserve the imager

Blue, Red and Far-Red Chambers 

Two Trichromatic Percival chambers (Trichromatic A, Trichromatic B in room 225), two Blue Light Percival chamber (Blue-A in room 225 and Blue-B in room 325), one small Red light Percival chamber (Red-A in room 325) and two Far-Red Light Percival chamber (Far-Red-A in room 225 and Far-Red-B in room 325). These are small, bench top chambers that offer just a single shelf of space for plants or plates. Space is limited, and must be booked in advance, with a limit of 90 days per reservation. These chambers are located in the dark rooms, 225 and 325.

Cold Chambers

Two Percival chambers (Cold Temp A & B), that are outfitted with dual compressors which can maintain consistent temperatures as low as 4C for months, have been brought online for researchers to perform cold condition experiments only. Each chamber shelf supplies standard lighting conditions of ~100uE. Space is limited, and must be booked in advance, with a limit of 90 days per reservation. These chambers are located in the basement of Plant Biology Building near the elevator.

Ultracentrifuge Optima L90K 

These calendars are for the 4 identical Beckman Optima L-90K Ultracentrifuges in PRL, they are in Plant Biology rooms 110, 222, S248 and 322. The Optima L-90K Ultracentrifuge is designed to offer efficiency and versatility. The performance capability of these units allows for more separation in less time. PRL has a wide variety of rotors, both fixed angle and swinging bucket.

General Specifications:

  • Maximum speed of 90,000RPM, 694,000 x g
  • Set speed: 1000 rpm to maximum speed in increments of 100 rpm.
  • Set time: Up to 99 hours 59 minutes.
  • Set Temperature: 0-40oC in increments of 1oC.

Please sign up to use these units prior to setting up your samples. These calendars supersede any lab calendars that have been set up. You MUST sign up on the log book located on the centrifuge, the calendar DOES NOT replace the log book!

Plant and Algae Transformation Support Facility 

The Plant and Algae Transformation Support Facility offers multiple transformation services to assist the PRL researchers. Submission must all be made through the ASC website at: http://ts.prl.msu.edu

Standard Arabidopsis transformation protocol.

PRL Equipment

List of equipment available for members of the PRL.

PRL Equipment Out for Repair or Loaned out fillable PDF.

Van Booking

The PRL van is for work related errands. Contact the main office for details.

Reserve the van

Guest Parking

Effective January 1, 2025, MSU parking services is transitioning to a new program for guest parking permits. The passes obtained in the office previously will no longer be available. A unique link for the PRL has been set up and is how your guest will register for parking when visiting our building. 

Get guest parking

Prayer space/lactation room

S146 is the designated prayer space/lactation room in the building. Users of this space coordinate among themselves for scheduling. Any questions can be directed to prlcboc@msu.edu.