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- About
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- News Archive
- News
- 2020 Anton Lang Memorial Award winners announced
- 2021 Anton Lang Memorial Award winners announced
- 2022 Anton Lang Memorial Award winners announced
- 2023 Anton Lang Memorial Award winners announced
- A common metabolic currency tunes growth-defense balance in plants
- A new method to reveal the molecular landscapes of photosynthetic membranes inside
green algae cells
- A ‘pilot light’ for photosynthesis
- A protein lulls algae to 'sleep', and what that means for making green fuels
- Anne Rea starts Assistant Features Editor position at The Plant Cell
- Ask the expert: Could Controlled Environment Agriculture be the future of farming
and solve food insecurity?
- Beating the heat: Exploring algae's ability to thrive in extreme environments
- Benning lab receives NSF grant to bring research into the undergraduate classroom
- Berkley Walker: Trying to improve bioenergy crops with 'big picture' math models
- Beronda Montgomery and Berkley Walker recognized with American Society of Plant Biologists
- Beronda Montgomery awarded prestigious AAAS Fellowship
- Beronda Montgomery Recognized for Mentoring Efforts with Underrepresented Students
- Borrowing building blocks from bacteria to create a more sustainable future
- Brandizzi lab: Michigan State researchers send experiment on NASA mission
- Brandon Rohnke named AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow
- Bringing genomics into the fold--the protein fold
- Building ‘nanofactories’ to help make medicines and more
- Can crops become more efficient?
- Cheryl Kerfeld video interview: A cell with no lipids: what are the odds?
- Christoph Benning and Gregg Howe among MSU researchers recognized in '2021 Highly
Cited' list
- Christoph Benning and Gregg Howe recognized among the world's most highly cited researchers
- Christoph Benning elected Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors
- Considering multiple binding sites for proteins with domain similar to the small subunit
of rubisco
- CURE at MSU: Bringing the laboratory experience to undergraduate classrooms
- Cutting down on one ‘super fat’ could help plants survive climate change
- Dae Kwan Ko named 2020 MSU Cloud Computing Fellow
- DOE-BER grant seeks new imaging approaches to observe plant-microbe interactions
- DOE renews funding for innovative photosynthesis research at MSU-DOE Plant Research
- Donghee Hoh receives the 2022 Kende award
- Engineering Cyanobacteria for cross-cultural exchange
- Exploring cryo-electron microscopy with molecular dynamics
- Federica Brandizzi named 2020 MSU Innovator of the Year
- Federica Brandizzi named University Distinguished Professor
- First-Person Science: Christoph Benning on Plant Biochemistry
- Flip the switch: Looking at how algae activate cell cycles
- Former graduate student Abhijnan Chattopadhyay accepts postdoc position with the National
Institutes of Health
- Former PRL postdoc Anne Rea starts as assistant professor at Maryville College
- From colleagues to collaborators, a cross-department conversation links statistics
to plant science
- From plant cells to human cells: A Brandizzi lab student success story
- Graduate student Bianca Serda granted two travel awards for summer conferences
- Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center receives funding renewal
- Gregg Howe: MSU researchers recognized in '2022 Highly Cited' list
- Gregg Howe: Spartan research addresses 5 big climate change questions
- Gregg Howe: Three NatSci faculty members ranked for their global publication power
- Gutter Ball 26: Erik Durfee claims second championship
- Harnessing the power of biology: Scientists 'go the distance' in electron transfer
- Heterologous bioproduction pathways enhance cyanobacterial photosynthesis and photoprotection
- How a plant cell's skeleton helps fight infection
- How do algae survive excess oxygen? Recent discovery gives clues to boost biofuel
- How do crops cope with stress?
- How plants tune their greenness to light quality in their surroundings
- Huntingtin’s new interaction site: a tale of DNAJB1 and HTT’s proline-rich domain
- Identifying a new family of carotenoid-binding proteins in cyanobacteria
- Identifying transcription factor networks that protect maize when its main cellular
biofactory is under stress
- Improving Photosynthesis: The Final Frontier?
- Inaugural EHS Laboratory Safety Awards recognizes NatSci laboratories
- Insect bites + Warmer climate = Double trouble for plants
- Intramolecular 13C/12C signals inform about carbon allocation in plant leaves
- Investigating the impacts of temperature on the thylakoid membrane: Insights from
computer simulations
- Investigation of a protein family that generates plant cell walls
- Is there a link between climate change and plant nutrition?
- Jianping Hu accepts leadership position as new director of MPS
- Jingcheng Huang receives 2021 Kende Award
- Josh Vermaas joins MSU as assistant professor
- Josh Vermaas starts faculty position at PRL
- Kara Headley starts as the communications manager for PRL and the MPS program
- Kaylie Barton wins first prize at UURAF 2021
- Kramer lab: Plants between light and darkness
- Laboratory Technician Heather Roney takes next steps as an early-career scientist
- Leaf under attack from bacteria? One way plants stop the spread of infection
- Learning what it takes to grow a space garden
- Lumen Chao starts new position at Children's National Hospital
- Making plants more productive
- Michigan State gets $53 million in one-time funding from state for greenhouses, dairy
cattle operations
- Michigan State science returns to space with NASA
- Modifying a bacterial microcompartment shell proteins to bind metal ions for electron
transfer with electrodes
- MPS Monday Seminars bring international researchers to campus this fall
- MPS Seminars return for 2022/2023 Academic year
- MSU a top producer of Fulbright Scholars for ninth consecutive year
- MSU and Rajarata University of Sri Lanka awarded Asian Development Bank grant
- MSU doctoral student Ethan Thibault awarded prestigious NSF fellowship
- MSU Foundation Professor selected as Science Defender by Union of Concerned Scientists
- MSU researcher receives grant to continue studying pathogen resistance in plants
- MSU researchers connect over coral
- MSU researchers help reveal a ‘blueprint’ for photosynthesis
- MSU's Beronda Montgomery named an ASBMB Fellow
- MSU’s Beronda Montgomery recognized as one of the 100 most inspiring black scientists
in America
- MSU's Gregg Howe elected to the National Academy of Sciences
- MSU's Jianping Hu receives NSF grant to shed light on plant growth, reproduction
- NASA didn’t publish study on snake plants providing life-saving oxygen
- New limitations to photosynthesis discovered by observing plants in the real world
- New method tracks cyanobacteria photosynthetic productivity, in real time
- Newly discovered sugar transporter might help beans tolerate hot temperatures
- NSF-funded project explores plant metabolism links to climate change, human nutrition
- Ph.D. student, Joanne Thomson, awarded NRT-IMPACTS fellowship
- Photon to plate: How increasing the photosynthetic efficiency of potatoes could lead
to a greener future
- Photosynthesis: Oxygen overload
- Plant cell wall research is shared at 2022 international conference
- Plant "ER": Advanced genomics illuminate new mechanisms for stress mitigation
- Plant Morphogenesis: How genes and their products interact and control a plant's response
to light
- Plant protein helps control both chloroplast's chemistry and lipid membrane
- Plants and photosynthesis: What's making plants lose their lunch?
- Plants control microbiome diversity inside leaves to promote health
- Plants get stressed too. We're looking at thousands of genes to understand how they
manage it.
- Plants in Space: College of Natural Science Connections Magazine
- Podcast: Agricultural innovation working to feed a growing population in the face
of climate challenges
- Postdoc Amit K. Singh awarded the Postdoctoral Excellence in Research Award
- Postdoc James Santiago accepts new job at Soli Organic
- Postdoc James Santiago receives PRI grant to study heat-sensitivity in tomato plants
using emerging transcriptomics technology
- Postdoc Keni Cota-Ruiz joins Utica University as Assistant Professor, expanding research
on salt tolerance in plants
- Postdoc María Santos Merino awarded the Clarence Suelter Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Postdoc María Santos Merino receives 2022 Postdoctoral Excellence in Research Award
- PRL alumnus Zhi-Yan Du joins University of Hawaii as assistant professor
- PRL community celebrates research at 2021 retreat event
- PRL graduate students chosen for 2022 NRT-IMPACTS Fellowship cohort
- PRL members bring plant research to the MSU Science Festival
- PRL Perspectives: Graduate student Bianca Serda
- PRL Perspectives: Postdoctoral researcher Daipayan Sarkar
- PRL Perspectives: Postdoctoral researcher Mauricio Tejera-Nieves
- PRL Perspectives: Undergraduate research assistant İlayda Korkmaz
- PRL Perspectives: Undergraduate student Drew Mitchell
- PRL undergrads Jessica Egleston, Jaylynn Jones and Drew Mitchell receive first-place
honors at 2022 UURAF
- PRL welcomes a new systems biology research group: Assistant Professor Daniela Strenkert
and Research Assistant Professor Stefan Schmollinger
- PRL's Gregg Howe selected as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar
- PsoR: How cyanobacteria change their colors
- Recently discovered protein enhances understanding of photosynthesis
- Recycling carbon in photosynthesis
- Research Assistant Professor Sean Weise accepts new position with the MSU Department
of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Rising Scholars: PRL undergraduate students showcase research at 2023 UURAF
- Sarathi Weraduwage accepts new position as assistant professor at Bishop's University
- Scientists discover potential mechanism of ultra-rare blood clots linked to adenovirus
COVID-19 vaccines
- Sheng Yang He featured in National Geographic
- Study links energy metabolism to reduced fertility in overheated bean crops
- Taking flight: Grad student plays key role in NASA experiment (Extended interview)
- Taming electrons with bacteria parts and a little 'blood' - a new synthetic biology
- The diverse ways photosynthesis balances its energy budget
- The limits of photosynthetic efficiency
- The potential of bacterial microcompartment architectures for phytonanotechnology
- The Spartan scientists helping agriculture adapt to a changing planet
- The Society of Experimental Biology feature: Liana Acevedo-Siaca
- Thomas D. Sharkey named Pioneer Member of the American Society of Plant Biologists
- Thomas Sharkey receives NSF grant to study isoprene emission from plants
- Tomomi Takeuchi and Eric Poliner start new positions at Michigan biotech companies
- Two PRL faculty named 2020 Highly Cited Researchers
- Unboxing of cyanobacterial features: A step toward understanding the dynamics of source/sink
in photosynthesis microbes
- Undergraduate Drew Mitchell receives MMG Dietrich C. Bauer Scholarship Fund
- Undergraduates Dayna Olson and Ian Santiago awarded funding for research projects
- Understanding how algal cells divide when they are hungry
- Understanding how plant stress responses impair photosynthesis, growth and seed production
- Unlocking solar-powered secrets: DOE renews grant for photosynthesis research at MSU
- Untying molecular knots: Making molecular simulations more efficient with LongBondEliminator
- Using Artificial Intelligence to delve into plant cell secrets
- When plants and their microbes are not in sync, the results can be disastrous
- Why this promising biofuel crop takes a summer break
- Yang-Tsung Lin: Advancing as an early-career scientist
- Yang Xu wins 2021 Carl Douglas Prize
- Seminars & Events
- Research & Tech
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